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Immediate & Meaningful Feedback

September 15, 2020

Immediate & Meaningful Feedback in Math Courses

Targeted feedback is an important part of any learning environment, regardless of modality, as it provides students direction as to what adjustments need to be made. By providing feedback at the immediate point of need, students can instantly reflect, respond, and continue to progress in their course. This helps students master key concepts, increase their understanding, and become more confident in their math abilities - which in turn, helps keep students motivated and engaged in their course.

Woman biting pencil

Within a traditional, face-to-face classroom, instructors can provide immediate feedback to students as they are teaching new concepts. Instructors can use non-verbal cues, review in-class work, or gain insight on the questions being asked throughout the class to provide real-time feedback. This ability to provide targeted feedback within a time frame that is effective for students, and also in a manner in which students are receptive, has been an obstacle for many educators as they have made the change to either hybrid or fully online courses. As students are working on assignments at their own pace and at all times of the day, it is nearly impossible for an instructor to provide each of them with real-time, effective feedback to help them to determine potential areas for improvement.

Keeping students motivated in a hybrid or fully online math course, and providing support to keep them engaged, is such an important part of learning math in a remote environment. Derivita not only provides students with feedback in real-time as they submit an answer, but also provides targeted feedback so students can self-reflect and determine the next steps to take. As opposed to simply receiving “Incorrect” or being marked wrong, Derivita provides students with actionable information as to the mistakes they may be making and where adjustments need to be made.

Derivita's Immediate Feedback for Students

Derivita sample graph with feedback

Derivita takes it one step further and also provides feedback using the student’s own answer, as opposed to a generic or "canned" response. This provides students an even more in-depth explanation of what errors they may be making and keeps them engaged to continue to work on mastering the topic. This type of feedback can even be provided to students when answering completely open-ended math questions!

Derivita's Targeted & Meaningful Feedback

Derivita sample with feedback

Immediate and meaningful feedback supports student learning, creates a more personalized experience, and helps keep students motivated in a hybrid or fully online course. Actionable feedback using the students' own work improves student learning, keeps students engaged and progressing, and combined with class-level analytics, provides instructors with a better view into how their students are developing on their path to mastery.

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